Contraception (Family Planning)


  • Contraceptives can help you plan your future
  • Contraceptives can help you prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections.
  • When it comes to choosing a method of contraception, understanding the pros and cons of each method is important.
  • While you may have many options to choose from, you should choose a method that best suits your health.
  • You have the right to use contraceptives without permission from your parents and partner.
  • Contraceptives can help you prevent unwanted pregnaand the use of condoms also helps prevent sencies, xually transmitted infections (STIs).
  • Below is a list of family planning options, the pros and cons as well as where to access them.


Male and Female condoms

Condoms are the only single method that offers dual protection. Condoms are free of charge at clinics and are -affordable at some pharmacies and shops.



  • Condoms can protect you against STIs when properly used.
  • It prevents unwanted pregnancies when properly used.


  • Condoms can break if not properly stored or correctly worn.
  • You may have an allergic reaction to latex condoms. ( Please go to any CeSHHAR Zimbabwe Clinic for treatment)
  • You need to find the right size as a bigger size can slip off.
  • Male or Female Condoms can only be used once.

Condoms are free and easily accessible at all CeSHHAR Zimbabwe Clinics. 


Oral contraception for women (the pill)

These pills come in a packet of 28 and you should take them once daily at the same time. There are two main types:

  •  Combined Oral Contraceptive (COC) pills and  
  • Progesterone-Only Contraceptive (POP) pills.


  • The pill can offer relief from painful menstrual cramps.
  • It can reduce acne.


  • It does not protect against STIs.
  • You may experience migraines and gain weight.
  • It also increases your risk of suffering a stroke.

It is offered free of charge at CeSHHAR Zimbabwe and at most clinics.



It is a long-term method of Family Planning 5 years implanted on the upper inner arm.



  • It prevents Pregnancy for at least 5 years
  • It can be removed when one chooses to.


  • It can cause spotting
  • May increase the blood pressure
  • Does not protect from STIs
Emergency contraception

You can use this to prevent pregnancy after unprotected and unconsented sex. If you suspect that the contraception used during sexual intercourse did not work properly, you should also use it. Copper IUDs are also used for emergency contraception.


  • You don’t need a prescription.
  • It is highly effective. 


  • You may experience nausea, headaches and fatigue after using the pill.
  • It does not protect against STIs.
  • You can have abdominal pain after using it. 

It is available at most pharmacies.


Male and female sterilization

This is a permanent contraceptive method for both women and men. Before you receive this treatment, a health care worker should provide counselling.


  • It is a short and simple procedure.
  • It protects against pregnancy


  • It does not prevent STIs.
  • The process can be reversed, but it doesn’t mean that you’ll be able to fall pregnant again.
  • You may experience some pain but should see your doctor for treatment.

It is free at some health care facilities.


Long Acting Injectable Contraceptives

The 2 main preparations available today are

  • Depo medroxyprogesterone acetate (DMPA) and
  • Norethindrone enanthate (NET-EN) Injectable contraceptives have some unique advantages which give them justifiably wide appeal among many groups of women.


  • DMPA does not produce the serious adverse effects of estrogen, such as thromboembolism.
  • Dysmenorrhea is decreased. The risks of endometrial and ovarian cancer are decreased compared to other hormonal contraceptives.
  • It contains no estrogen, thus making it suitable for women who cannot or will not take estrogen products.
  • It also is safe for breastfeeding mothers



  • However, they do have a number of disadvantages including
  • Invariable menstrual disturbance
  • A delay in return to fertility.

1 DMPA formulation, Depo-Provera, is currently available free of charge at Sister’s Clinics.


Click the link below to find your nearest Sisters’ clinic that provides access family planning, PreP refills, HIV tests and other sexual health services (will take through to the Booking Appointment page). 

Nearest Clinic(s)



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